Golden Age SF. Digital Age Author.
Do you want stories of adventure, with a touch of romance? Then you’ve come to the right place!
Latest Releases
The Princess Scout

Selected as a finalist for the 2025 Imadginn Award for best young adult novel!
Separated from their classmates during a drill, Scout Cadets Anne Villas and Christine Montide find themselves stranded on a previously uncharted world. By pure chance they’ve discovered a lost human colony that wants to stay lost, and the rulers of this planet will use all the power they have to keep it a secret.
Anne is not just any cadet, though. She’s “The Princess Scout” — the daughter of David Rice, the Scout Corps’ legendary hero, and Callan, indomitable heir to the throne of Mordan. With the might of a whole planet against them, can Anne and Chris find a way to not merely survive, but win?
The Princess Scout mashes up space opera excitement with the dangerous atmosphere of a Cold War thriller, resulting in the latest standalone hit novel in Henry Vogel’s best-selling Scout series. Read it today!
The Aristocratic Xtraterrestrial Time-Traveling Thieves

Selected as a finalist for the 2025 Imadginn Award for best graphic novel!
My writing career began in the 1980s, when I wrote indie comic books. The X-Thieves was the second title I co-created. Out of print since 1988, I’m pleased to announce that Critical Blast Publishing has released the X-Thieves Complete Collection. The book gathers all thirteen original issues into a single, 340 page volume. Click the buttons below to order directly from our printer, IngramSpark.
Heart of Dorkness & Other Stories
A plucky band of D&D adventurers butcher a classic of English literature—and some orcs.
Two redneck country boys figure out a way to jump the Pearly Gates and break into Heaven.
A legendary mighty-thewed hero fights for his incomparable princess in a topsy-turvy Martian land.
Daredevil aviator Cliff Hanger battles the criminal mastermind, Doctor Darkness.
And more!
From dystopian science fiction, to tongue-in-cheek modern fantasy, to the horror of retribution from beyond the grave, here are twelve tales of the fantastic from the mind of Henry Vogel, creator of the Scout series.
Southern Knights: Almost Complete Collection
My writing career began in the 1980s, when I wrote indie comic books. The Southern Knights was the first title I co-created. Out of print since 1989, I’m pleased to announce that Critical Blast Publishing has released the Southern Knights: Almost Complete Collection. The book gathers all 38 original issues into a single, 1118 page volume. Click the button below to order from directly printer IngramSpark or Amazon.
Scout: The Lost Colony Adventures
When Terran Scout First Class David Rice crash-lands on the long-lost colony world of Aashla, he is thrown into a world of flashing blades and steam-powered airships, where rival kingdoms constantly struggle and plot against each other. Armed with only his wits and his instincts, David realizes two things: that he must win the love of the beautiful Princess Callan, and he must use all his star-born skills to unify his new homeworld and fight to bring it back into galactic civilization.
Told in a relentlessly fast-spaced style, Scout: The Lost Colony Adventures, collects the first three books in Vogel’s Terran Scout Corps series in one volume and is an exciting homage to the page-turning pulp adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Leigh Brackett. Get a copy and join David’s adventures today!
This special edition hardcover present the complete text of Scout’s Honor, Scout’s Oath, and Scout’s Duty, and is priced only a few dollars more than the combined cost of the three books in paperback.
About the Author

Henry Vogel is a former comic book writer, a professional storyteller, and an author of science fiction adventure stories. Open one of his books and escape into another world.
Long ago, when Henry was newly married and still in college, he woke up one morning and decided to write comic books. Never one to let his lack of experience deter him from a dream, Henry got together with fellow comic book fan and dreamer David Willis and began publishing the Southern Knights.
In 2005, Henry woke one morning and decided to become a professional storyteller. Once again refusing to let his lack of experience deter him, Henry has since performed before thousands of people all around his home state of North Carolina and is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the North Carolina Storytelling Guild.
In 2012, Henry woke up one morning decided it was long past time for him to pursue his lifelong dream of writing science fiction novels. Since then, Henry has had several novels published and has several more in various stages of completion.